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Human resources

This topic includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to human resources.

Item Description
Calls made to the Employee Assistance Programme Figures showing the number of contacts made to the Employee Assistance Programme in each quarter.
Conduct in Parliament Information about the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS), including the Behaviour Code, the Bullying and Harassment Policy, and the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Gifts and hospitality Information about gifts and hospitality accepted by senior House of Commons staff (information about financial interests of MPs is available in the Register of Members' Interests).
House of Commons and Parliamentary Digital Service departmental organograms Organograms showing the staff structure of the House of Commons service and the Parliamentary Digital Service.
House of Commons Staff Handbook The House of Commons Staff Handbook sets out essential information for staff and provides a guide to terms and conditions of employment.
HR and Diversity Report Information about the make up of the House of Commons workforce and HR policies and initiatives the House has in place.
Independent Complaints and Grievances Scheme Information about the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS), set up to receive any complaints of inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, including the Scheme's annual report.
Independent Complaints and Grievances Scheme proactively published statistics Anonymous data about the use of services provided under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme.
Language courses for MPs Information about language courses for MPs funded by the House of Commons.
Principal officers and staff Information about the duties of key officials in Parliament.
Register of Interests for senior HoC staff A Register of Interests for senior House of Commons staff, in line with the requirement for them to declare potential and actual conflicts of interests (information about the registered interests of MPs is available in the Register of Members' Interests).
Senior staff pay Details of the salary and expenses paid to individual members of senior House of Commons staff.
Working at the House of Commons General information about employment in the House of Commons and how to apply for roles.

Responses to requests


File ref Nature of request Response date
F24-023 Number of complaints made regarding MPs in the last five years, with details of gender, ethnicity and outcome 06/02/2024
F23-111 Copy of table recording all complaints made to the ICGS 28/03/2023
F22-441 Complaints made to and investigations carried out by the ICGS 21/09/2022
F21-253 Details of calls and cases investigated by ICGS 21/06/2021
F21-123 Misconduct claims made by House staff 12/04/2021
F21-093 Breakdown of complaints received by the ICGS 25/03/2021
F21-017 Complaints received regarding non compliance of Covid regulations by MPs, staff and attendees to the House 10/02/2021
  Staff complaints 2021
  Staff complaints 2021
  Staff complaints 2021
F20-573 Complaints of MPs failing to socially distance 01/12/2020
F20-497 Complaints against Members by their staff or public for specified time period 13/11/2020
F20-048 Complaints made by parliamentary staff 05/02/2020
  MPs Staff Complaints 2020
  Employment Tribunal Claims 2020
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2020
  ISMA service 2020
F17-478 Harrassment hotline & MPs referred to PCS 11/12/2017
F17-443 Calls made to the complaints hotline 23/11/2017
F17-440 Calls made to the complaints hotline 23/11/2017
F17-173 Calls made to the anti-bullying hotline since its set up 05/04/2017
  PCS referrals 2017
  Calls to the helpline 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017
  Complaints of inappropriate behaviour 2017

Health and wellbeing

File ref Nature of request Response date
F21-266 Details of calls made to the Employee Assistance Programme 29/06/2021
F21-045 Details of staff absences due to Covid-19 24/02/2021
  Defibrillators 2021
  Workplace Adjustments 2021
F20-271 Staff who have contracted or who are self isolating with Covid-19 24/06/2020
F19-482 Copy of policy to provide ‘Reasonable Adjustments’  18/10/2019
  Health and wellbeing service 2019
  Mental health support 2019
  Mental health support 2019
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017
  Employee Assistance Programme 2017


File ref Nature of request Response date
  Business Appointment Rules 2023
F19-621 NDAs (confidentiality clause) for former House staff 23/01/2020
F20-001 Non disclosure agreements and settlements made with departing staff 23/01/2020
F19-618 Number of staff who have resigned from Parliament since 2015 22/01/2020
F18-393 Cost of NDAs 06/11/2018

Pay and expenses

File ref Nature of request Response date
  Rewards scheme 2022
  Staff expense claims 2020
  Furlough of Staff 2020
  Pay rates 2020
F19-159 Staff pay band numbers 24/04/2019
F17-515 Pay and Unions of House staff 18/12/2017
F17-103 Employment of the Speaker's Chaplain 14/03/2017
  Overtime pay 2017


File ref Nature of request Response date


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-219 Conduct policies for people working in Parliament and issuing of parliamentary pass 24/05/2023
  Substance abuse 2020
  Guaranteed Interview Scheme 2020


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-546 Microaggressions and unconscious bias training between 1 March 2022 to 1 October 2023 25/10/2023
F23-502 Training available to MPs and their staff 02/10/2023
F23-204 Cyber security training over the last three financial years 15/05/2023
F23-145 MPs who have not yet attended Valuing Everyone training 18/04/2023
F22-680 Members yet to attend Valuing Everyone training 07/12/2022
F21-591 MPs attendance of funded language lessons 04/02/2022
F21-538 Training given to MPs 07/12/2021
F21-197 MPs who have not yet attended Valuing Everyone training 24/05/2021
F20-402 Dates and attendance of Valuing Everyone training 29/09/2020
F20-420 Details of specified MPs attending Valuing Everyone training 29/09/2020
F20-298 MPs who have not attended Valuing Everyone  training 24/07/2020
F20-079 MPs completing Valuing Everyone training 18/03/2020
  Internships 2020
  Valuing Everyone training 2020
F19-356 MPs who attended Valuing Others training 12/08/2019
F18-288 Training sessions for Members 17/08/2018
F18-253 Correspondence and details of external GDPR training for MPs 18/07/2018
F18-193 GDPR advice provided to Members 12/06/2018
  GDPR training 2018
  Staff - numbers 2018

Workforce and recruitment

File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-186 Details on staff employed by R&R client team 26/04/2023
  Job applications 2023
F22-563 Breakdown of House of Commons staff by various demographics 21/11/2022
F22-425 Percentage of ethnic minorities in public sector bodies 02/09/2022
F22-315 Number of staff employed and dismissal data for BAME staff 01/07/2022
  Staff numbers and wages 2022
F21-454 Details of IT staff in Parliament 27/10/2021
F20-401 Number of BAME staff employed by Parliament and number leaving roles 29/09/2020
F19-578 Details of outsourced staff in Parliament 17/01/2020
  Zero hour contracts 2020
  Apprentices 2020
  Work experience 2020
F19-337 Breakdown of staff by teams 07/08/2019
  Temporary staff 2019
  Non-permanent staff 2019
  Speaker's Office staff 2019
  Disabilities 2019
F18-280 Non-UK EU staff working in the House 14/08/2018
  Staff breakdown 2018
F17-308 Diversity employment in the House 29/08/2017
F17-145 Nationality of House of Commons staff 07/04/2017
  Staff - numbers 2017


File ref Nature of request Response date
F22-332 Honours nominations made by the House 11/07/2022