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Drink sales (2024)

File Ref: F24-090

Date of Response: 05/03/2024


Details of daily alcohol sales in catering outlets managed by the House of Commons for the past two years, broken down by venue.



We have interpreted “past two years” in this instance to mean the time period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023.

This information is held by the House of Commons. We hold details of alcohol sales in our catering outlets for the period specified, and details of these include:

• The type of product sold
• The date of sale
• The venue it was sold in
• The quantity sold
• The total value sold (in pounds)

A breakdown of the information we hold (csv, 3MB)

Additionally, it may help you to know that we regularly publish details of monthly sales in our catering outlets, and our current publication for the 2022/23 financial year as well as past years can be found on the Freedom of Information catering pages of our website.

Lastly, it may interest you to know that over 15,000 people can access the parliamentary estate and use its services, of which only 650 are MPs. The on-site catering venues are also used by staff of the House of Commons Administration and contractors, such as facilities staff, security staff and building contractors, as well as Members’ staff, Peers and their staff and Members of the Press Gallery. Products sold in these venues are always charged at more than they cost and everybody pays the same price. Further details of our price lists, access arrangements, sample menus and other helpful information about the catering service is proactively published by our in-house catering team, in the interests of transparency. This can be found on the Freedom of Information catering pages our website.