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Expressions of interest and current tenders

Current tenders

Log into the Atamis portal to see opportunities which are currently being openly advertised. Tenders advertised on this page will always be advertised on Contracts Finder and on FTS when the contract value is above the relevant threshold as set out in the Public Contract Regulations. Suppliers must be logged into the portal in order to express their interest in a tender and view the tender documents available. Registering on the PCD e-tendering portals does not mean you are a supplier to UK Parliament or the House of Commons, House of Lords or the Parliamentary Digital Service.

Not all tenders are required to be advertised openly via Contracts Finder and/or FTS. This might be because the tender is below a certain value or a competitive tendering process is being run via a Framework Agreement. PCD utilises both internal (established by PCD) and external (established by another body such as the Crown Commercial Service) framework agreements. This enables us to let value for money contracts in an efficient manner and in line with the Public Contract Regulations.

Companies who are interested in bidding for UK Parliament contracts should monitor Contracts Finder and FTS notices for opportunities. Promotional e-mails received by PCD will be redirected to these portals to monitor for opportunities.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Parliamentary Commercial Directorate (PCD)

3/64VS UK Parliament

London SW1A 0AA


Tel: 020 7219 1600