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19 November 2014 at 19:28The department if education commissions the research which provides them with the so called evidence that they require to justify their policies. Therefore the agenda and bias of the research needs to be taken in to account when aiming to interpret any findings. In conclusion if one sets out to find an answer using research then this is almost always achievable but is biased and unreliable. The wider public needs to understand this.
Julian Lee
19 November 2014 at 13:24the policy on school term holidays was ill thought out and did not take into account, people's type of jobs, these being police, nurses, fire, seasonal workers I.e farmers, hoteliers etc. my wife is a district nurse who works in the community and cannot book a holiday over the Christmas period in order to maintain minimum levels of service in the community. During other holidays she can only book a maximum of 1 week which even then is not guaranteed. We were fined even though we went through the right channels and supplied a letter from her employer the NHS. The policy need to be thought out better as there is no clarification for head teachers to follow. If all of the professions were to take time off during the school holidays the country would fall into chaos. I have lost my right as a parent to enjoy a family life, as it is impossible to go anywhere far away as we are now tied down to 1 weeks holiday if my wife can get the time off. The issue is not the cost of the holidays but the jobs and restrictions.
Victoria Johnston
19 November 2014 at 11:04Surely there should be a section on here around term time holidays, the benefits of allowing an annual holiday (including well being, furthering horizons, cultural development, happier families and fond childhood memories) for those who cannot afford holidays within the school breaks.
19 November 2014 at 19:34Family life is being eroded by government policy around no term time holidays or time off for special family events. The whole world is an education not just what happens in a classroom where teachers are obsessed with levels and targets and tracking progress. Parents are capable of making reasonable decisions about their child's welfare and are better able to meet the child's emotional well being than schools in the main. Government research behind this policy is flawed and biased to gain the results they want.