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Discussion rules

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  • Do not spam or flood the forum. Only submit a comment once.
  • Do not resubmit the same, or similar, comments.
  • Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic.

  • Read complete set of online discussion rules


Contributing to this web forum requires registration. Certain information is mandatory - such as a name and a valid email address. The personal details which you provide on registration will not be disclosed to third parties other than in exceptional circumstances (eg: the prevention of a serious crime).


Comments will be pre-moderated before being posted on the discussion forum. Comments will be moderated at least every working day. Where possible we will aim to publish accepted posts within 24 hours.

If a comment contravenes any of the full discussion rules it will not appear on the forum and will be returned to the participant by e-mail, along with a reference to the rule(s) contravened. The participant will be invited to resubmit their comment, after making appropriate changes.

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