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What role should local authorities play in the planning process?

25 November 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Thursday 26 November, the House of Lords Select Committee on National Policy for the Built Environment takes evidence from council leaders on the challenges facing local authorities in delivering their planning responsibilities and supporting housing growth. The Committee also hears from organisations focused on public health and how a better built environment can lead to a healthier population.


Thursday 26 November, Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster

At 10.10am:

  • Cllr Gillian Brown, Leader of Arun District Council and planning lead for District Councils Network
  • Cllr Sue Derbyshire, Leader of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and planning/housing lead for Greater Manchester Combined Authority

At 11.15am:

  • Dr Laurence Carmichael, Coordinator, WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments
  • Dr Ann Marie Connolly, Deputy Director, Health Equity, Place and Mental Health
  • Dr Matt Egan, Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Areas of discussion  

The first session focuses on the impact on local authorities of the government's planning policy reforms, including the presumption in favour of sustainable development and the duty on planning authorities to cooperate with neighbouring local authorities. The session also considers how local authorities can support desperately needed new housing supply and whether the planning system provides for the adequate delivery of infrastructure to support new housing.

The second session centres around the role that public health should play in planning decisions, how planners and health professionals can work together on building projects and how good design can promote public health.

Further information

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