Lord Speaker
Lord Speaker news from UK Parliament.

House of Lords meets on 30 December
The House considered legislation relating to the UK’s future relationship with the EU and new Coronavirus regulations.
31 December 2020

Read UK Parliament's new children's book celebrating Disability History Month
Read UK Parliament's new children's book celebrating Disability History Month.
18 November 2020

Lord Kilclooney’s tweet
At its meeting on Tuesday 10 November, the House of Lords Commission agreed to unreservedly associate itself with the Lord Speaker’s statement.
11 November 2020

House of Lords launches new podcast
The first episode, exploring how the House of Lords has responded to the coronavirus pandemic, is available to download now.
06 November 2020

Update on possible relocation of parliamentary functions
Speakers of both Houses respond to R&R Sponsor Body
19 August 2020

Lord Speaker statement on new appointments
Lord Fowler responds as government announces new members
31 July 2020

Speakers join parliamentarians and staff ‘to thank our NHS'
The Houses of Parliament was among tens of national landmarks to light up in blue to celebrate the 72nd birthday of the NHS this Saturday
04 July 2020

COVID-19 Rapid Summary: Behavioural Science
Science and Technology Committee publishes third summary of evidence on COVID-19
17 June 2020

Minute silence in honour of George Floyd
Parliament will hold a minute's silence on Tuesday 9 June at 11am
09 June 2020

Lords debates economic lessons of Covid-19
Members consider measures to repair UK economy
05 June 2020

Parliament celebrates International Nurses Day and Florence Nightingale's 200th Birthday
Parliament celebrates International Nurses Day and Florence Nightingale's 200th Birthday
12 May 2020

Lord Speaker's statement on UK Parliament's response to the spread of COVID-19
A letter from the Lord Speaker, Lord Fowler, to members of the House of Lords regarding the House's return from recess
19 April 2020

Temporary changes to Lords business
Some proceedings held virtually
17 April 2020

Update from UK Parliament on coronavirus
UK Parliament has introduced measures to limit non-essential access to the parliamentary estate
15 April 2020

Changes to House of Lords sittings following Easter recess
A move to virtual meetings in response to Covid-19
09 April 2020