Parliament, government and politics
Parliament, government and politics news from UK Parliament.

TalkTalk Chief Executive questioned on company's data handling practices
Culture Media and Sport Committee hears evidence on protecting personal data online
15 December 2015

European law specialist gives evidence on Human Rights Act repeal
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 December at 10.45am
15 December 2015

Defra funding cuts must not put flood protection at risk
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee warns that budgets must not affect vital flood protection work
15 December 2015

Housing and Planning Minister questioned on Right to Buy
Communities and Local Government Committee takes evidence from Brandon Lewis MP on Right to Buy
14 December 2015

EU membership costs and benefits for the UK examined
Foreign Affairs Committee questions Baroness Ashton on impact of EU membership on the UK
14 December 2015

Academics and experts questioned on vehicle type approval
Transport Committee questions academics and experts on emissions testing and vehicle type approval
14 December 2015

Government Ministers give evidence on online platforms
EU Internal Market Sub-Committee takes evidence on Monday 14 December at 4.40pm
14 December 2015

Committee meets Scottish ministers and MSPs to discuss EU reform
EU Select Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 October
14 December 2015

Housing experts questioned on Right to Buy
Communities and Local Government Committee hears evidence on housing associations and Right to Buy
14 December 2015

Services to people with neurological conditions explored
Public Accounts Committee questions health representatives on outcomes for people with neurological conditions
14 December 2015

Europe Minister answers questions on EU referendum and refugee crisis
EU Select Committee hears evidence from Minister for Europe
14 December 2015

Journalists, lawyers and mobile service providers give evidence
Committee on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill takes evidence on 14 December
14 December 2015

Committee explores how EU membership affects UK science
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 December
14 December 2015

Facts behind the gender pay gap examined
Women and Equalities Committee scrutinises causes of gender pay gap and what can be done to address it
14 December 2015

Minister questioned on outcomes of Paris climate change talks
Energy and Climate Change Committee takes evidence on outcomes of Paris COP 21
11 December 2015