Parliament, government and politics
Parliament, government and politics news from UK Parliament.

Industry and Government must cooperate to beat haulage driver shortage
Transport Committee publishes report on skills and workforce planning in the road haulage sector
29 July 2016

Report on Committee's work during 2015-16 published
The European Union Committee publishes its Report on 2015-16
28 July 2016

Prison reform programme examined by Committee
Justice committee launches inquiry into the Government's ambitious programme of reforms
27 July 2016

Scale and depth of development challenge in Nigeria remain significant
International Development Committee publishes report on DFID's programme in Nigeria
27 July 2016

New Departments must gear up quickly to answer MPs questions
Procedure Committee publishes latest report monitoring the timeliness of Departments in answering written questions from MPs
27 July 2016

Taxpayers must not bear brunt of new HMRC spending cuts
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on HMRC customer service and tax collection contract replacement
27 July 2016

Absence of certainty on Brexit migration issues, says Committee
Home Affairs Committee publishes report on the work of the Immigration Directorates (Q1 2016)
27 July 2016

EU membership and UK science follow-up investigation launched
Lords Sciecne and Technology Committee follows-up EU membership and science inquiry
26 July 2016

HBOS failure: lessons for the regulators
Treasury Committee publishes its report 'Review of the reports into the failure of HBOS'
26 July 2016

Unaccompanied child migrants failed by EU Member States
EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee published report on unaccompanied migrant children on 26 July 2016
26 July 2016

New nuclear projects must benefit North Wales people and economy
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes report on future nuclear power development projects in Wales
26 July 2016

Twitter Q&A with Select Committee on Charities staff
Ask questions about the Committee's Call for Evidence and how to submit written evidence
25 July 2016

Leadership failures and personal greed led to collapse of BHS
Work and Pensions and Business, Innovation and Skills Committees publish report on BHS
25 July 2016

Uncertainty risks harming growth in Scotland's renewable energy industry
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes report calling for clarity on future support for renewables
25 July 2016

What can be done to help tackle financial exclusion?
Financial Exclusion Committee publishes call for evidence
22 July 2016