Health staff and professions
Health staff and professions news from UK Parliament.
Government and Ombudsman must improve handling of NHS complaints
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee publishes report on PHSO
24 April 2018
Post-Brexit failure to replace European Social Fund would be disastrous
Work and Pensions Committee publishes report on the future of the European Social Fund
04 April 2018
Government response on the Long-term Sustainability of the NHS published
Committee publishes Government response on long term sustainabilty of NHS
20 February 2018
Plans for children and young people's mental health provision examined
Ministers from the Departments of Education and Health and Social Care questioned on green paper
07 February 2018
Secretary of State questioned on impact of Brexit for patients
Health Committee questions Jeremy Hunt MP on his preparations to minimise risks
23 January 2018
Government Ministers questioned on Life Sciences and Industrial Strategy
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 23 January at 10.10am
19 January 2018
Challenges facing nursing workforce in England examined
Health Committee questions Minister of State for Health and senior officials
28 November 2017
Committee examines nursing workforce
Health Committee discusses regulation, language testing, university funding and skill mix
14 November 2017
Plans to address shortfall in nursing staff examined
Health Committee hears from healthcare professionals on future of nursing workforce
07 November 2017
Impact of Brexit on regulation and health services examined
Health Committee examines regulation of doctors and nurses, challenges facing healthcare staff and health services provision
28 February 2017
How will Brexit affect patients and staff?
Health Committee looks at impact of Brexit on people seeking healthcare and recruitment of healthcare staff
21 February 2017
MPs debate access to Kadcyla and other breast cancer drugs
On 26 January MPs debated and approved a motion in the Commons Chamber
19 January 2017
Final month of oral evidence for Committee
NHS Sustainability Committee announces witnesses for final month of evidence
30 November 2016
MPs debate motion on reducing health inequality
On 24 November MPs debated health inequality in the House of Commons
18 November 2016
NHS Chief Executives discuss long-term sustainability of the NHS
NHS Sustainability Committee takes evidence at 10.05am on Tuesday 15 November
14 November 2016