Exiting the European Union
Exiting the European Union news from UK Parliament.

EU Committee draws special attention to UK–Morocco agreement
European Union Committee publishes twentieth report on Brexit-related international agreements
05 February 2020

Dominic Raab MP tells MPs of plans for a 'Global Britain'
The Foreign Secretary has made a statement on Britain's place in the world after Brexit
03 February 2020

City experts questioned on financial regulation after Brexit
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 5 February at 10.15am
31 January 2020

Academics questioned on financial services after Brexit
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 29 January at 10.15am
29 January 2020

How should the UK cooperate with the EU on development policy after Brexit?
The committee hears from experts on development cooperation
28 January 2020

UK infrastructure bank may be needed after Brexit
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee publishes letter to report on Brexit: the European Investment Bank
23 January 2020

Why should the UK cooperate on development policy after Brexit?
EU Committee holds evidence session on international development cooperation after Brexit.
16 January 2020

Report published on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill
The Constitution Committee publishes a report on the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill
14 January 2020

Brexit: revised Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration report published by Committee
European Union Committee publishes its report Brexit: the revised Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration
10 January 2020

Brexit Bill enters Committee stage
The Withdrawal Agreement Bill is now being debated by a Committee of the whole House
07 January 2020

MPs pass Second Reading of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill
MPs will debate the Withdrawal Agreement Bill on 20 December
19 December 2019

Implications of Withdrawal Agreement Bill examined
The Constitution Committee publishes an interim report on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill
05 November 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 30 October
Animal welfare, agriculture, fisheries and rail safety on agenda
31 October 2019

Laura Pidcock questions ministers on workers' rights after Brexit
Laura Pidcock MP has asked an urgent question on the state of workers' rights after Brexit
29 October 2019

Committee considers the state of play following ‘flextension'
Committee considers the state of play in the withdrawal negotiations with a panel of legal, political and customs experts
29 October 2019