European Union
European Union news from UK Parliament.
EU membership and UK science follow-up investigation launched
Lords Sciecne and Technology Committee follows-up EU membership and science inquiry
26 July 2016
Unaccompanied child migrants failed by EU Member States
EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee published report on unaccompanied migrant children on 26 July 2016
26 July 2016
Parliament must have role in scrutinising Brexit, Committee reports
The EU Committee's report analyses Parliament's role in scrutinising Brexit
22 July 2016
Brexit may offer opportunity to improve competition in banking
Treasury Committee publishes letter from a group of challenger banks
20 July 2016
Starved FCO urgently needs resources for Brexit challenge and opportunities
Foreign Affairs Committee publishes report on implications of Brexit
20 July 2016
Home Office Permanent Secretary questioned on EU exit
Home Affairs Committee questions Permanent Secretary and Romanian Ambassador on impact of EU exit
20 July 2016
EU Naval Force – Mediterranean (Operation Sophia): Government responds to Committee's report
Former Minister for Europe writes to EU External Affairs Sub-Committee
15 July 2016
Brexit implications for environment policy examined by committee
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 20 July at 11am
14 July 2016
EU membership and UK science follow-up evidence session
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 19 July at 10.40am
13 July 2016
Committee questions economic experts on Brexit
Treasury Committee examines the consequences for people and businesses
13 July 2016
Franco-British cooperation on defence: more necessary than ever
Lord Stirrup represents EU External Affairs Sub-Committee in talks in Paris.
13 July 2016
Brexit implications for energy and climate change policy explored by committee
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 13 July at 11am
08 July 2016
Minister questioned on Brexit implications on UK steel sector
Commons Committees probe minister on EU-wide actions addressing the steel crisis and Brexit implications
06 July 2016
Implications of leaving the EU for science and research examined
The Science and Technology Committee examine how the aspects which underpin our science and research might be affected by exit from the EU
05 July 2016
Oliver Letwin gives evidence on Brexit negotiations
Foreign Affairs Committee takes evidence on new unit for Brexit negotiations
05 July 2016