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European Union

European Union news from UK Parliament.

Total results 1648 (page 106 of 110)
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Economic and Monetary Union inquiry continues in Brussels
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee visits Brussels on 26 and 27 January
22 January 2016
Foreign Secretary gives evidence on Visions of EU reform
EU Select Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 26 January
20 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
What are the issues surrounding Economic and Monetary Union?
EU Financial Affairs Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 20 January at 10.15am
20 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Minister to justify non-participation in access to a lawyer Directive
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 19 January at 11.00am
19 January 2016
Foreign Office officials questioned on the migration and refugee crisis
EU External Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence at 10:05am on Thursday 21 January
18 January 2016
European Commission questioned on agricultural resilience and Common Agricultural Policy
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 20 January at 11am
15 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
French Senators give evidence on Visions of EU reform
EU Select Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 19 January
15 January 2016
Role of innovation and research explored by committee
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 13 January at 11am
13 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Experts give evidence on Banking and Fiscal Union
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 13 January at 10.15am
12 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
National Academies explore impact of EU membership on UK science
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 12 January
07 January 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
EU energy governance report published
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee publishes report on EU energy governance
18 December 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Release potential of GM insects to fight disease and pests
Lords Science and Technology Committee publish report on genetically modified insects
17 December 2015
Farmers give evidence on agricultural price volatility
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 11am
16 December 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Christian Odendahl gives evidence on Economic policy
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 December at 10.15am
15 December 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
European law specialist gives evidence on Human Rights Act repeal
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 December at 10.45am
15 December 2015
Total results 1648 (page 106 of 110)