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Media news from UK Parliament.

Total results 315 (page 11 of 21)
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Peers to hear evidence on local journalism and from industry representatives
Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 9 June at 3.00pm
08 June 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords questions government on press freedom, Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter movement on 8 June
Watch live on Parliament TV from 2.30pm
08 June 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords Oral Questions to government on 2 June
Universal Credit and TV Licence on the agenda
01 June 2020
Lords considers Covid-19 impact on museums and galleries
Members quiz government on support for historic buildings
22 May 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
What is the future of commercial radio as a news provider?
Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 12 May at 3.00pm
11 May 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords quiz government in daily questions on 29 April
The virtual session will focus on the Covid-19 pandemic
28 April 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
The future of journalism call for evidence deadline extended
Communications and Digital Committee seeks written submissions by Tuesday 21 April
19 March 2020
What is the future for local journalism?
Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 17 March at 3.30pm
16 March 2020
Facebook answers questions on response to hate speech and moderation
Democracy and Digital Technologies Committee will meet on Tuesday 17 March at 10.30am
16 March 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Which skills should be required to succeed in journalism?
Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 March at 3.30pm
09 March 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Committee to search for the truth from Google
Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies will take evidence on Monday 10 March at 12.30pm
06 March 2020
Lords discusses role of the BBC
Members debate impact on UK culture and economy
06 March 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Committee launches inquiry into challenges facing full-fibre and 5G roll-out
Inquiry will focus on how realistic an ambtion it is, and what is needed to achieve it
05 March 2020
DCMS Committee require two specialist advisers for broadcasting inquiry
The roles will assist the Committee's inquiry into public service broadcasting
03 March 2020
Committee question BBC senior executives about cuts and proposed licence fee changes
Call in prompted by cuts to journalist posts, and licence fee changes
02 March 2020
Total results 315 (page 11 of 21)