Courts news from UK Parliament.

MPs debate domestic abuse victims in family law courts
On 15 September MPs took part in a Chamber debate on domestic abuse victims in family law courts
07 September 2016

Access to justice damaged by courts and tribunals fees changes
Justice Committee report finds changes are urgently needed to restore access to employment tribunals
17 June 2016

Sentence reduction for guilty pleas: risks in new guideline
Justice Committee report highlights risks to prison population and vulnerable defendants
14 June 2016

Overstretched justice system failing victims and witnesses
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on the efficiency of the criminal justice system
27 May 2016

Lord Chief Justice questioned by Constitution Committee
Constitution Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 27 April at 10.30am
22 April 2016

Role and powers of Magistrates examined
Justice Committee discusses the present and future role of Magistrates in the justice system
21 March 2016

How efficient is the criminal justice system?
Public Accounts Committee discusses if the criminal justice system delivers value for money
15 March 2016

Sentencing Council's intention to monitor impact welcomed
Justice Committee publishes fifth report on the draft sentencing guideline
08 March 2016

Lawyers and Minister give evidence on court and tribunal fees
Justice Committee hears from Minister for Courts and Legal Aid and legal representatives
03 February 2016

Senior judges give evidence on increased court and tribunal fees
Justice Committee holds evidence session on courts and tribunal fees and charges
25 January 2016

European law specialist gives evidence on Human Rights Act repeal
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 December at 10.45am
15 December 2015

Courts and tribunals fees and charges: employment tribunals fees
Justice Committee holds further session focusing on employment tribunals fees
17 November 2015

Users of the Equality Act 2010 give evidence to Committee
Equality Act 2010 and Disability Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 November
10 November 2015

Courts and tribunals fees and charges inquiry announced
Justice Committee inquires into introduction of and increases to fees and charges
21 July 2015