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Administration of justice

Administration of justice news from UK Parliament.

Total results 259 (page 11 of 18)
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
How can forensic science research be prioritised and funded?
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 4 December at 3.25pm
04 December 2018
How effective is the Bribery Act? Committee question Ministers
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on 4 December at 10.30am
04 December 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords debates increase in violent crime
Youth services to combat gang culture under spotlight
30 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Have your say on the Courts and Tribunals Bill
Call for written evidence
28 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
What is the role of digital forensics in the Criminal Justice System?
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 27 November at 3.25pm
23 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
NHS Counter Fraud organisations give evidence on the Bribery Act 2010
Select Committee on the Bibrey Act 2010 takes evidence on 20 November at 10.30am
20 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Sir Brian Leveson gives evidence on the Bribery Act 2010
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on 13 November at 10.30am
13 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lord Advocate gives evidence on the Bribery Act 2010
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on 6 November at 10.30am
06 November 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Have funding cuts to forensic science impacted the delivery of justice?
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 6 November at 3.25pm
02 November 2018
Government is failing its duty of care towards prisoners
Health and Social Care Committee publishes report on healthcare in prison
01 November 2018
Prosecution and defence lawyers questioned on use of forensic science
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 30 October at 3.25pm
26 October 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Civil Liability Bill: Commons remaining stages
Commons examines the Civil Liability Bill
23 October 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords debates UK cyber threats
Members examine scale and complexity of threats
19 October 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Committee writes to Minister expressing concerns over family justice system post Brexit
Committee replies to Minister's letter about civil justice and No Deal scenario planning
17 October 2018
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
How effective is the Bribery Act 2010 in Scotland, Lords ask
Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 takes evidence on 9 October at 11.30am
09 October 2018
Total results 259 (page 11 of 18)