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What's on in the Lords 3-7 February

7 February 2025

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Members of the Lords quiz the government on making council tax more progressive, major defence contracts, access to mental health treatment, recruitment of teachers, and reports of Russian interference in Moldovan politics.


The Lords begins to check and change the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, debates the key principles of the Renters' Rights Bill, 'tidies up' the Data (Use and Access) Bill, and considers Commons changes to the Water (Special Measures) Bill.


The contribution of the creative industries to the government’s growth mission, fines paid by water companies and lifelong learning are all in the spotlight.


Read on for more.


Catch up


From 2.30pm


The House of Lords questioned the government on:

  • making council tax more progressive
  • defence contracts
  • waiting times for mental health treatment
  • humanist weddings in England and Wales.

Urgent questions and statements

Members also pressed the government following urgent questions on airport expansion and the impact of fiscal policy on defence, and statements on growing the economy and the situation in Sudan.


The Lords began line by line checks of the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill.

Orders and regulations

From 3.45pm in Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members of the Lords considered regulations on:

  • heat networks
  • separation of waste
  • armed forces
  • register of overseas entities
  • Procurement Act 2023
  • Community Radio Order 2025.


From 2.30pm


Members of the Lords drew attention to:

  • pension fund reliefs
  • UK-China Economic and Financial Strategy Dialogue
  • mental health problems in primary schools
  • car parking charges.

Urgent questions

Members also pressed the government following urgent question repeats on women's health and avian influenza.


The Lords debated the key principles of the Renters' Rights Bill.

From 3.45pm in Grand Committee, members continued line by line checks of the National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill.


From 3pm


The Lords pressed the government on:

  • impact of school VAT on armed forces personnel
  • citizenship education
  • Covid Counter-Fraud Commissioner report
  • care home safety ratings.


Members 'tidied up' the Data (Use and Access) Bill, examined the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (Transfer of Functions etc) Bill and Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, and considered Commons changes to the Water (Special Measures) Bill.


From 11am


The House of Lords quizzed the government on:

  • recruitment of teachers
  • reports of Russian interference in Moldovan politics
  • Syria's transition to a representative government
  • Valdo Calocane.

Urgent questions and statements

Members pressed the government following urgent questions on AstraZeneca and the Chagos Islands and statements on the Southport attack and school accountability.


Members discussed the contribution of the creative industries to the government’s growth mission, using fines paid by water companies to repair the damage caused by sewage pollution, and lifelong learning.


Checks of the National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill continued in Grand Committee.


From 10am


Members 'tidied' up the following private members' bills:

  • Non-Consensual Sexually Explicit Images and Videos (Offences) Bill
  • Public Authority Algorithmic and Automated Decision-Making Systems Bill.

The Lords also debated the key principles of:

  • Crown Estate (Wales) Bill
  • Mortgage Prisoners Inquiry Bill
  • Education (Assemblies) Bill
  • Permitted Development Rights (Extension) Bill.

Get involved


Questions, debates and scrutiny of legislation are streamed live online for free. Watch chamber business and Lords committee meetings on Parliament TV.


All business in the House of Lords chamber and in Grand Committee is transcribed and available to read from around three hours after it happens. Read it free online in Lords Hansard.

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Image credit: House of Lords / Roger Harris

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