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What's on in the Lords 20-23 January

22 January 2025

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The Lords draws attention to the health and social impacts of first-cousin marriage, securing a free trade agreement with the US, reducing homelessness, insourcing prison maintenance, and legal aid for asylum seekers.


Lords line by line examination of the Mental Health Bill continues and members begin detailed scrutiny of the National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill. Plus, further checks and changes to the Data (Use and Access) Bill take place as it begins report stage.


Use of hotels to house asylum seekers, conditions required for economic growth, support for farmers to adapt to climate change, and the achievements of free schools and academies are all in the spotlight.


Read on for more.


From 2.30pm


Lords quizzes the government on:

  • UK/Colombia bilateral investment treaty
  • health and social impacts of first-cousin marriage
  • free trade agreement with USA
  • Erasmus programme.


Members continue to check and change the Mental Health Bill. Plus, line by line examination of private members' bills on non-consensual sexually explicit images and videos, and automated decision-making systems.


The House of Lords discusses ceasing the use of hotels to house asylum seekers.

Orders and regulations

From 3.45pm in Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, Lords considers regulations on:

  • electricity capacity mechanism
  • clean heat market mechanism
  • deposit scheme for drinks containers
  • airports slot allocation
  • representation of the people (Northern Ireland).


From 2.30pm


Members press the government on:

  • the National Trust
  • reducing homelessness
  • swimming lessons for primary school pupils
  • state pension triple lock.


Lords begins further examination of the Data (Use and Access) Bill. Plus, from 3.45pm in Grand Committee, members begin line by line check of the National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill.


From 3pm


House of Lords questions the government on:

  • foreign donations to UK political parties
  • railway electrification
  • modular nuclear reactors
  • Gaza infrastructure.


Members continue to examine the Mental Health Bill.

From 4.15pm in Grand Committee, Lords continues detailed check of the Great British Energy Bill.


From 11am


Members draw attention to:

  • insourcing prison maintenance
  • humanist weddings
  • legal aid for asylum seekers
  • Chagos Islands.


Conditions required for economic growth, support for farmers to adapt to climate change, and the achievements of free schools and academies are all in the spotlight.

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All business in the House of Lords chamber and in Grand Committee is transcribed and available to read from around three hours after it happens. Read it free online in Lords Hansard.

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Image credit: House of Lords / Roger Harris

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