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Scrutiny of Terrorism Bill continues in the Lords

11 February 2025

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Members of the House of Lords continue their detailed examination of the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, during committee stage on Wednesday 12 February.

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill aims to improve protective security and preparation across the UK by requiring those responsible for certain public buildings and venues to implement measures to mitigate the risk of physical harm and, in the case of larger premises, to reduce vulnerability to terrorist attacks.

Line by line examination

Committee stage is a thorough examination of the individual parts (clauses) of the bill. 

Starting from the front of the bill, members work through the clauses in order, considering changes (amendments) to the wording or proposals for new clauses. 

Four days of committee stage have been scheduled so far:

  • Monday 3 February
  • Wednesday 5 February
  • Monday 10 February
  • Wednesday 12 February*

(*schedule is subject to change) 

Proposed changes

Members speaking on day four of committee stage have put forward amendments to the bill on subjects including:

  • compatibility of the bill with the Human Rights Act 1998, in relation to protesting
  • tax relief incentives for increasing security
  • responsibilities of local authorities.

How to follow

Explore further information  

Find out more about the bill in the House of Lords Library briefing.

What's happened so far?

Committee stage day three: Monday 10 February

Members speaking on day three of committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on subjects including:

  • power of ministers to alter public protection procedures
  • waiving of protection procedures for venues if the costs are unreasonable
  • developing and implementing training on public protection.

Catch up

Committee stage day two: Wednesday 5 February

Members speaking on day two of committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on subjects including:

  • preventing individuals entering or leaving events
  • exemptions to new rules due to unreasonable costs
  • security procedures for rural and outdoor events
  • deadlines for organisations' submissions of security plans.

Catch up

Committee stage day one: Monday 3 February

Members speaking on day one of committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) to the bill on subjects including:

  • raising capacity of 'qualifying premises' to 300
  • capacity of railway stations excluding rail vehicles
  • exclusion of small capacity sports grounds.

Catch up

Second reading 

Second reading, a full debate on the key principles of the bill, took place on Tuesday 7 January.

Image: Erik Mclean / Pexels

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