Short debates in the Lords
12 January 2024
The House of Lords discussed climate change, the integration of refugees, religious education in schools, the adoption of new vaccines and parity of health and social care to address dementia in five short debates on Thursday 18 January.
Climate change
In the Lords Chamber, members debated co-operation with international partners to mitigate climate change impact, following reports that global heating is likely to pass the 1.5-degree Celsius threshold in 2024.
The debate was put forward by Baroness Sheehan (Liberal Democrat).
- Members speaking in the debate.
- Watch on Parliament TV.
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript .
- Read the House of Lords Library briefing on this debate.
Lords Thursday debates
One Thursday each month, the House of Lords holds four short debates (one hour each) in Grand Committee. Members debated the following subjects:
Refugee integration
Members considered the current pathways for newly recognised refugees to integrate and establish themselves in the UK, in a debate put forward by Lord German (Liberal Democrat).
- Members speaking in the debate.
- Read the House of Lords Library briefing on this debate.
Religious education in schools
Members discussed steps to improve the quality of religious education in schools, in a debate put forward by Lord Harries of Pentregarth (Crossbench).
- Members speaking in the debate.
- Read the House of Lords Library briefing on this debate.
Adoption of new vaccines
Members debated plans to accelerate the adoption of new innovative vaccines by the National Immunisation Programme, in a debate put forward by Baroness Ritchie of Downpatrick (Labour).
- Members speaking in the debate.
- Read the House of Lords Library briefing on this debate.
Parity of health and social care to address dementia
Members considered creating a parity of esteem between health and social care to address dementia, in a debate put foward by Baroness Browning (Conservative).
- Members speaking in the debate.
- Read the House of Lords Library briefing on this debate.
Catch up
Watch and read
- Watch the debates live on Parliament TV.
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript.
Short debates
Questions for Short Debate are an opportunity for members to draw the government’s attention to concerns and hold it to account. They last for about 60 minutes. A minister or spokesperson responds on behalf of the government.
Image: House of Lords / Annabel Moeller
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