Pedicabs (London) Bill undergoes line by line scrutiny in the Lords
12 December 2023
On Monday 11 December, members of the Lords began their thorough examination of the Pedicabs (London) Bill at committee stage.
The Pedicabs (London) Bill seeks to empower Transport for London (TfL) to regulate tricycle taxis (pedicabs) in the captial for the first time.
Line by line examination
Committee stage is a detailed line by-line-examination of the separate parts (clauses) of a bill.
Members start from the front of the bill, working through to the end. As they consider each section, it is an opportunity for members to add changes (amendments) to the wording of the bill or for new clauses to be added.
Proposed changes
Members speaking at committee stage put forward amendments for discussion covering a range of subjects, including:
- Secretary of State powers to regulate pedicabs
- TfL consultations on the new law.
Get involved
- Catch up on Parliament TV.
- Read the Lords Hansard.
- Read the text of proposed changes (PDF).
Explore further information
Find out more about the proposed law in the House of Lords Library Pedicabs (London) Bill briefing.
Next steps
Report stage, a further chance for line by line examination and make changes, is scheduled for Tuesday 30 January.
What's happened so far
Second reading, a debate on the primary aims of the bill, took place on Monday 20 November.
Image: Adam Cole / Pexels
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