September 2022
Read all the UK Parliament news for September 2022

Fourth oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
22 November 2010

Fourth oral evidence session on Government Assistance to Industry
22 November 2010

MPs question Eric Pickles on abolition of spatial strategies
22 November 2010

PASC to hold joint evidence session on Ministers and Quangos
22 November 2010

European Scrutiny Committee hold first session on EU Bill
22 November 2010

CCPR give evidence to the Committee for the Grassroots Sport Inquiry
19 November 2010

Welsh Affairs Committee holds first evidence session looking at S4C
19 November 2010

Schedule 7 to Government of Wales Act: report publication
19 November 2010

Marine Policy Statement
19 November 2010

Lords debate Committee's report into the European Social Fund
19 November 2010

Journalist and academic questioned on central and local government relations
19 November 2010

Impact of the CSR on DECC
18 November 2010

Draft Sentencing Guidelines on Assault
18 November 2010

Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
18 November 2010

Green Investment Bank - oral evidence session announced
18 November 2010