This week in the Commons: Friday 14 December 2018
14 December 2018
This week in the House of Commons MPs debated Brexit, the Ivory Bill, the Courts and Tribunals Bill and more.
Ivory Bill
Debate on the Lords amendments to the Ivory Bill was opened by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Dr Thérèse Coffey.
The House of Commons agreed to all Lords amendments to this Bill, 1 - 78, without division. The Bill is now awaiting Royal Assent.
- Read the Lords amendments to the Ivory Bill
- Watch Parliament TV: Ivory Bill
- Read Commons Hansard: Ivory Bill
Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary Functions of Staff) Bill
The Commons debated the remaining stages of the Courts and Tribunals Bill, with scrutiny focused on amendments concerned with the minimum legal qualifications for court and tribunal staff and the statutory right to judicial reconsideration.
The Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Bill passed its third reading, 302 to 233 and will now return to the Lords.
- Parliament News: Courts and Tribunals Bill - Commons stages
- Watch Parliament TV: Courts and Tribunals Bill - remaining stages
- Read Commons Hansard: Courts and Tribunals Bill - remaining stages
Legislation: Private Members Bills
Two Private Members Bills were brought to the house as Ten Minute Rule Motions this week. Both were divided on, defeated and will not be introduced to the house.
- Ten Minute Rule: Cannabis (Legalisation and Regulation)
- Ten Minute Rule: International Trade and Development Agency
'Meaningful Vote' debates
This week MPs were scheduled to have two days of debate on the 'Meaningful Vote', but following a Statement from the Prime Minister on Monday 10 December, the vote was deferred.
The Leader of the Official Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, was granted an emergency debate by the Speaker on Tuesday 11 December.
- Parliament News: Emergency Debate on deferral of the 'Meaningful Vote'
- Parliament TV: Exiting the European Union - Meaningful Vote
- Commons Hansard: Exiting the European Union - Meaningful Vote
Urgent questions and ministerial statements
This week in the Commons their were four ministerial statements and two urgent questions.
- Parliament news: statement from Prime Minister on Brexit
- Parliament news: statement from Brexit Secretary on Article 50
- Parliament news: statement on provisional local government funding settlement
- Parliament news: statement on police funding settlement
Urgent questions
- Urgent question: the Institute for Statecraft
- Urgent question: Government's duty in the event of a no deal Brexit
Prime Minister's Questions
On Wednesday 12 December MPs asked the Prime Minister questions on the withdrawal agreement, policing, cyber bullying and more.
Watch PMQs from this week:
Westminster Hall debates
Debates on a variety of different subjects also took place in Westminster Hall on Monday 10, Tuesday 11, Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 December. See the Parliamentary calendar to find out what subjects were debated.
Select Committees
News from Parliamentary Select Committees, including the publication of reports and details of inquiries and evidence sessions are also available online.
Image: PC
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