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Lords Committee hears from the Bar Council and Law Society as it begins inquiry into Interpreting and Translation Services in Courts

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Tomorrow, Wednesday 23 October, the House of Lords Public Services Committee will hear from senior officials at the Bar Council and Law Society in the first evidence session of its inquiry into interpreting and translation services (ITS) in the courts.

The session will consider the quality and delivery of ITS services and examine the challenges faced by legal representatives when dealing with these services, the impact of these challenges, and any possible solutions.

The session will start at 11.00am and can be watched live or on demand at Parliament TV or in person in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster.

Giving evidence will be:

  • Susan Grocott KC, co-Chair, Bar Council Legal Services Committee;
  • Philip Stott, co-Chair, Bar Council Legal Services Committee; and
  • Richard Millar, Head of Justice, The Law Society.

Questions will include:

  • How does the system of obtaining interpreting and translation services work? What are the key challenges you see in these services and what impact does this have on court proceedings and access to justice?

  • What is your view on the quality assurance and feedback processes in place and what might good processes look like?

  • What is the role of technology in improving or enhancing interpreting and translation services in the courts?

  • What recommendations should the Committee make to the Government on how to improve interpreting and translation services in the courts?

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