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Outgoing Chancellor of Oxford Lord (Chris) Patten: X is a good argument for putting limits on hate speech

The outgoing Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Lord (Chris) Patten of Barnes, has said that the platforms X and Telegram represent “very good arguments not for getting rid of or attacking free speech, but for actually putting limits on what people can say in terms of hate speech, in terms of spreading disinformation.”

The outgoing Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Lord (Chris) Patten of Barnes, has said that the platforms X and Telegram represent “very good arguments not for getting rid of or attacking free speech, but for actually putting limits on what people can say in terms of hate speech, in terms of spreading disinformation.”

He made these comments in a new interview with the Lord Speaker, Lord McFall of Alcluith, published today for the podcast Lord Speaker’s Corner. In a wide-ranging discussion, Lord Patten also said:

  • The idea that the UK has to ‘be nice’ to China in order to engage with them on international issues such as climate change is "drivel."
  • That he finds Health Secretary Wes Streeting “immensely impressive”
  • That the centre ground is being lost in today’s politics and that “whether we're Labour or Conservative, ultimately we want the government to work.”
  • That ID cards are “the one way you can really deal with illegal immigration.”
  • That calling the Civil Service a blob is “outrageous.”
  • That the Conservatives have been “too intellectually squeamish” about having a labour market policy.
  • That he is the first Oxford Chancellor to retire rather than die whilst in office saying “I wanted to leave with a farewell dinner rather than a memorial service.”
  • That higher education establishments offering apprenticeship courses alongside degrees are “just as important as universities, and are all part of making us a more successful and congenial society.”

Lord Patten’s distinguished career includes serving as Secretary of State for the Environment, Conservative Party Chairman, the last ever Governor of Hong Kong, a European Commissioner, Chairman of the BBC Trust and most recently Chancellor of Oxford University.

The successful candidate to replace Lord Patten as Chancellor of Oxford will be announced next week (25th November.)


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