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Lords committee takes evidence on World Trade Organization

Monday 18 November 2024

Tomorrow the House of Lords International Agreements Committee will be holding a one-off evidence session on the functioning of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its future prospects and challenges.

The session will take place on Tuesday 19 November at 4pm and can be followed on Parliament TV.

Giving evidence will be:

  • Simon Manley CMG, Permanent Representative for the UK to the World Trade Organization 
  • Claire Vince, Director of Global Trade and Delivery at Department for Business and Trade

Topics the committee is likely to cover include: 

  • The main functions of the WTO and future prospects 
  • The key political and geopolitical challenges facing the WTO, and the UK’s response 
  • The UK Government's main objectives at the WTO and its support for global trade rules 
  • Options and considerations for WTO reform, and the UK’s position 
  • Prospects for the recently agreed Joint Statement Initiative on E-Commerce.

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