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Look beyond retail to reverse high street decline, says new Lords report

Thursday 28 November 2024

In 2023 there were over 10,000 store closures across UK high streets. People have seen the loss of local department stores, pharmacies, clothing stores, pubs and banks.

The dominance of retail on high streets is something of the past. Whilst shopping will still be a key feature, there is greater demand and opportunity for restaurants and leisure activities, as well as for more public services, such as health centres and libraries, in town centres.

What communities want and what can be sustained on the high street is constantly evolving, so a fixed vision and monolithic approach to their future should be avoided. Local authorities, communities and businesses need to work together to shape high streets that are reflective of local conditions, adaptable, and resilient.

High streets will only thrive if people can get to them easily and safely. Access by car and sufficient parking are necessary for commercial sustainability, though their adverse consequences can be mitigated by better public transport connectivity, particularly through improved bus networks. Traditional high streets are in competition with the convenience of parking arrangements in out-of-town developments.

As retail occupancy declines and leaves behind vacant units, cafés and restaurants have taken their place. There has also been a rise in the number of charity shops, which benefit from substantial business rates relief and often have lower staff costs, making them more able to afford high street rents. Public authorities are also tentatively moving public-facing services (such as surgeries and libraries) on to high streets. This can both improve access to those civic functions and increase footfall to sustain local businesses.

People, particularly young people, value having space to socialise and spend time without spending money on the high street. They also value green spaces on or near the high street. More green space and an improved public realm should be a key consideration in proposed regeneration programmes.

Local authorities and the Government create the structures for high street renewal. The planning system, taxation and funding can all impact the success or failure of projects to revive local places. But, the previous Government's plans to revive high streets were not well co-ordinated. The new Government's local growth funding reforms must ensure that high streets are enabled to flourish in the long term, and that those responsible for their future have enough expertise to deliver improvements. The Government should recognise that local authority bidding for central funding has become expensive and wasteful and should consider replacing that approach with a transparent system of funding distribution that commands greater confidence.

The Committee welcomes the announcement of plans to review the Business Rates system.

These are the among the conclusions of a new report, ‘High Streets: Life beyond retail?’, published today by the cross-party House of Lords Built Environment Committee.

Lord Moylan, Chairman of the Built Environment Committee, said:

“Local high streets are places where generations have shopped, socialised and worked. Many of them are in decline and to reverse this they need to look beyond being simply a destination for shoppers.

“Retail will always be important, but people want to see a variety of businesses and other services such as NHS diagnostic centres and libraries on their high street. And they can’t be successful if there isn’t a convenient way, both by public transport and by car, to get to them.

“Delivering a successful and sustainable high street often involves a local leader, who can be from the local community, authority or business. This leader very often motivates teams from the public and private sector to use their imagination to breathe new life into their high street. Decision-makers shouldn’t be afraid of trying new things. However, they should be mindful of the quality of what is delivered, as only well designed and built spaces will have any chance of standing the test of time.”

Other findings and conclusions from the report include:

  • High streets do not function in isolation and the introduction of new out-of-town retail and leisure centres can have a significant negative impact on the vitality of a local high street.
  • The Government should introduce a 'town centre first' policy to ensure new public services including libraries, diagnostic centres and local government buildings are opened on our high streets.
  • Each local authority should have an active town centre manager to support the development of their high streets and town centres. Town centre managers across the country should share experiences and best practice to benefit from cohort-based learning.
  • Young people, especially young women, told the committee that they often do not feel safe on their local high street. Adequate street lighting, clear sightlines and “eyes on the street,” as well as a mix of uses including residential and those open into the night, can help to contribute to safer-feeling spaces.
  • Access to public toilets is particularly important for the elderly and families with young children. If they are not available it can stop them visiting their local high street, or reduce the amount of time they spend there. Local authorities must be proactive in using the many ways that exist to provide decent public toilets.
  • Local markets can boost footfall on high streets and contribute to the unique character of towns and small cities across the country. Markets not only contribute to local economies but can also act as catalysts for the high street brands of tomorrow. Local authorities and other market operators should continue to support market traders.

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