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Can the UK do more to help creative tech companies scale up? Lords Communications and Digital Committee to find out

Monday 25 November 2024

The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee will tomorrow take evidence from UK creative tech firms, trade bodies and venture capital firms as it seeks to understand how creative tech firms can be encouraged to scale-up within the UK.

The evidence sessions will start at 2:30pm on Tuesday 26 November in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords. Giving evidence to the Committee will be:


  • Victor Riparbelli, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Synthesia
  • Peadar Coyle, Founder, AudioStack
  • Simon Barratt, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Cooperative



  • Paul Murphy, Partner, Lightspeed Venture Capital
  • Caroline Norbury OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Creative UK
  • Nick Poole OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Ukie
  • David Glick, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Edge VC

The first session will focus on the challenges faced by creative tech businesses in securing investment capital, the effectiveness of government support programmes, and the future impact of AI on the creative tech sector.

The second session will include questions on how innovation and growth in the creative tech sector can support the government’s ambition for the creative industries to be one the country’s key drivers of growth, how access to growth capital can be improved in the creative sector, and what can be done to help creative tech businesses attract the talent and specialised facilities they need to scale.

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