Lords Committee to quiz Ofcom Chief
The House of Lords Communications Committee will question Sharon White, the Chief Executive of Ofcom, in a one-off session on Tuesday 8 March.
Sharon White took over the role of Chief Executive of Ofcom in March 2015. A year after taking the helm, the Committee will use the session to question Ms White on a number of issues, including:
- whether the Communications Act 2003 meets the need of the modern sector, or is some of it now out of date, given the pace of technological advancement;
- which key recent developments in Europe that might have an impact on the UK Communications sector;
- the likely implications for UK consumers and content providers of the recent EU legislation on ‘net neutrality';
- her thoughts on Sir David Clementi's recommendation that "regulatory oversight of the BBC should pass wholly to Ofcom", and the implications it could have for the organisation;
- the findings of Ofcom's Strategic Review of Digital Communications on BT and Openreach; and
- the implications a change to the ownership of Channel 4 may have for the current regulatory framework.
The evidence session will take place on Tuesday 8 March at 3.30pm in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.