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Corporate Business Plan 2024/25

The full House of Commons Corporate Business Plan is available in PDF format: House of Commons Corporate Business Plan 2024/25 (pdf, 332KB)

Summary of key objectives:


1. 2024/25 sees us implementing the second year of the 2023-27 House Administration Strategy. We remain committed to our shared purpose: supporting parliamentary democracy by delivering excellent services to the UK Parliament. Our values – trusted, inclusive, courageous and collaborative – inform our approach to the objectives that we will deliver.

2. Over the coming year, our focus will be on realising our most important priorities. The objectives, activities and key projects that will be delivered will support the Chamber and committees, and provide excellent service to Members.

Support the work of the Chamber and committees

3. The House of Commons holds a unique role in our national life: enacting laws, scrutinising the Government, and holding debates on the key issues which matter to people. The Chamber and committees – which are at the heart of everything we do – allow these functions to run smoothly, and remain our top priority.

4. Key objectives for 2024/25:

  • Chamber resilience and awareness - Improve the resilience of, and awareness of the work of, the House of Commons Chamber and Westminster Hall.
  • Procedural applications - Improve digital systems that support the Chamber and Members - legislation application, Questions and Answers system, and the registers of interests.

Provide excellent services to Members

5. Excellent services are essential to the work of Parliament: providing Members, and everyone who works here, with the advice, services, and facilities they need to fulfil their duties; showcasing our unique history and heritage; and enabling the public to participate in the work of Parliament. 

6. Over the coming year, colleagues in many different roles and backgrounds will work together as one unified organisation to fulfil the Administration’s role in the general election. 

7. We will also implement a number of the recommendations put forward in the Speaker’s Conference report on the employment conditions of Members’ staff. 

8. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • General election - Meet the needs of incoming and outgoing Members when the next election is held, providing them with the advice, services and facilities they require.
  • Member survey - Implement the action plan arising out of the survey of Members on the quality of estates services provided.
  • Speaker’s Conference - Implement the recommendations put forward in the report of the Speaker’s Conference to support Members in their role as employers and improve working conditions and deliver meaningful change for Members’ staff.

Support our people to thrive

9. We make Parliament happen. Our strategy sets out how we will mobilise and engage all our people to help us achieve our priorities. This includes our estate-based colleagues, those who work in our corporate functions or look after the parliamentary estate, and those who provide specialist advice and support to the House and its Members.

10. It’s essential our working environments on the parliamentary estate are safe and comfortable. We will continue to drive forward initiatives to improve the working experience of operational estate-based staff and address outstanding issues which impact them. 

11. We will continue to implement our Inclusion and Diversity Strategy as it enters its second year, and consolidate the valuable work currently being undertaken to create an inclusive culture for all.

12. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • Inclusion and Diversity Strategy - Deliver the second year of our strategy, focusing on three key areas: decreasing the ethnicity pay gap, improving accessibility, and fostering inclusive environments.
  • ICGS - Support the continuous improvement of the ICGS. 

Achieve value for money

13. We are responsible for spending public money and have a duty to ensure that our services are delivered in the most effective and efficient way. Our strategy acknowledges that we have not always achieved this in the past, especially when it comes to driving value from our supply chain, managing contracts efficiently, and making better use of technology. 

14. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • Independent Review of Financial Management - Deliver a further year of IRFM recommendations and actions. 

Engage and inform the public

15. Our ambition to engage and inform the public when it comes to the work of Parliament will continue in 2024/25. We will utilise the vast array of outlets available to us, ranging from online media to in-person interactions to increase access to, and promote an understanding of the work of the House of Commons.

16. Visitors will be welcomed onto the estate to learn more about how the UK Parliament works. We will build on the success of the Speaker’s House and Elizabeth Tower tours, while mitigating the impact any future, necessary building works may have.

17. Key objectives for 2024/25:

  • Education Service - Secure the medium- and long-term provision of the Education Centre.

Sustain and improve our working environment

18. As with previous years, a number of major projects are in train aimed at repairing and restoring buildings and key features across the estate. These will improve and sustain the crucial services that keep the estate running for over 3,000 people each day: those who work here, and those visiting. This work brings together Commons, Lords and bicameral colleagues, and aims to makes the estate a safe, resilient, and fit for purpose environment.

19. The Restoration and Renewal (R&R) programme is a highly complex project to invest in one of the world’s most recognised buildings. Fully costed proposals for R&R will be presented to both Houses for a decision on the preferred way forward, expected in 2025.  

20. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • Restoration and Renewal - Prepare costed proposals for approach to Restoration & Renewal Programme.
  • Estates portfolio - Refurbish and enhance our estate through delivery of key estates projects, including Norman Shaw North, fire life safety and compliance, and West Front perimeter.

Keep the parliamentary community safe

21. We are committed to ensuring that the estate remains a safe working environment for all, and that we continue to embed a positive safety culture. This work will be taken forward though our safety transformation programme, key parts of which will include the promotion of visible leadership, the ongoing engagement of all those who work on the estate, and the consistent application of standards.

22. We will continue to implement new security initiatives to improve the security of the estate and of Members when they are away from the estate.

23. Key objectives for 2024/25:

  • Safety Transformation Programme - Implement the safety transformation programme, bringing together and actively managing the ongoing safety improvement initiatives.
  • Security - Reduce the risk of unauthorised incursions onto the estate.

Provide reliable digital services

24. The delivery of excellent digital services across the House will continue over the coming year, impacting on all aspects of parliamentary life. These cover everything from being ready to support the general election programme, to utilising digital strategies to ensure increased support and reduced duplication and risks posed by the R&R programme. 

25. The successful Transforming Digital Programme will transition into an ongoing and established function, partnering with teams across Parliament to drive value from the programme investment. 

26. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • Wifi upgrade project and the Voice programme.

Treat our and information as a vital asset 

27. We will launch and begin to implement our new Information and Digital Strategy, including delivery of our strategic aims for the better use of our data. Over the coming year, our activities will focus on transforming the way that we work by enabling a user-centred approach, looking at ways to embed and evolve our operating model, and ensuring information and data are connected across the organisation. 

28. We will continue to modernise the way in which we work, both through how we manage and are responsible for managing our information, and by reducing our reliance on legacy technology.  

29. Key objectives for 2024/25: 

  • HR and payroll replacement.