Waldorf Astor on the Women's Emancipation Bill
Following lobbying by campaigning women, the House of Commons passed the Labour Party's Women's Emancipation Bill on 4 July 1919. As well as allowing women entry to professions, the Women's Emancipation Bill would have given the Parliamentary franchise to 5 million women who had been excluded from the vote in 1918 by age and property qualifications. Two days later, Waldorf Astor (husband of Nancy Astor, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health) wrote to Conservative leader Andrew Bonar Law, urging the Cabinet to take action on votes for women. He wrote 'I hope the government will accept the verdict of the Commons on the principle of equalising the political rights of women.' This did not happen, and the 5 million had to wait until the Equal Franchise Act 1928.
Waldorf Astor on the Women's Emancipation Bil
6 July 1919
Catalogue number
Parliamentary Archives, BL/97/5/8