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Inspector Denning's Retirement

Chief Inspector Denning was regarded as one of the most popular and respected persons within Parliament by the time of his retirement in 1888. He had gained the respect of both parliamentarians and those who served under them as was highlighted by the gifts and tributes bestowed on him as he stood down from his post that year. This was an era when the satirical cartoon of political figures was at the height of its popularity. So as fitting of the time Denning was presented with printed cartoons of himself depicted as the affable policeman that would not have looked out of place within the pages of Punch Magazine. Though as many of his contemporaries knew, behind this genial affability was a man who took his policing very seriously. The gentleman seen in the illustration with Denning was the Speaker of the House of Commons, Arthur Peel who before taking up the speaker-ship had been a Liberal MP. Peel was a supporter of the radical MP, Charles Bradlaugh who over the years had been involved in many incidents with Denning.


Drawing of Inspector Denning with the Speaker of the House of Commons



Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, PHO/11/7