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Amritsar: Hunter Commission Report

When World War One began in 1914, Indian citizens became heavily involved in supporting the British war effort through the provision of men and resources. By the end of the conflict, the appetite for Indian independence was growing and simmering civil unrest in Punjab threatened a large scale revolt. On 13 April 1919 large crowds gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, consisting of non-violent protesters against British martial law and religious pilgrims visiting the site as part of the Sikh festival Baisakhi. Earlier in the day a ban had been imposed by the British Indian Army which prohibited public meetings of such a size. Several troops surrounded the crowd and were ordered to shoot, killing an estimated 379 and wounding hundreds more. The British government established a committee to inquire into the events, and the Hunter Report includes evidence taken in relation to the events in Amritsar, and was published by the Government of India.

Amritsar: Minutes of Evidence taken before the Hunter Committee



Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, DAV/123