Further your research
The Earl of Oxford and Asquith, 'Fifty years of British Parliament II' (Little Brown & Company, Boston, 1926)
Roy Jenkins, 'Mr Balfour's poodle' (William Heinemann, London, 1954)
John Wells, 'The House of Lords: from Saxon wargods to a modern senate' (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1997)
Clement Attlee, 'As it happened' (William Heinemann, London, 1954)
Kenneth Harris, 'Attlee' (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1982)
John Field, 'The story of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster' (Politico's Publishing, London, 2002)
Tony Benn, 'Out of the wilderness: diaries 1963-67'(Hutchinson, London, 1987)
Tony Benn, 'Office without power: diaries 1968-72' (Hutchinson, London, 1988)
House of Lords Library Notes
- The Parliament Act 1949 (pdf 104KB)
- The Life Peerages Act 1958 (pdf 119KB)
- The Weatherill Amendment (pdf 119KB)
- The Salisbury Doctrine (pdf 270KB)
- Proposals for reform of the composition and powers of the House of Lords 1958-1998 (pdf 525KB)
- Women in the House of Lords (PDF 989 KB)