World War I
The Recording Angel memorial in St Stephen's Porch, Westminster Hall, is dedicated to Peers, MPs, officers and their sons.
The House of Lords memorial commemorates those who died in the First World War and Second World War.
This statue stands as a memorial to Members of the House of Lords who died in the First World War.
This memorial commemorates parliamentary staff who died in the First World War.
Books of remembrance to Peers, Lords of Parliament and Officers of the House of Lords and their sons from the First World War who died.
These Books of Remembrance are dedicated to the MPs who were killed in the First World War.
This commemoration panel is dedicated to staff of the Commons Committee Office who died in the First World War.
This commemoration panel is dedicated to members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery who died in the First World War.
There are 42 heraldic shields in the House of Commons Chamber commemorating each of the MPs killed during both World Wars.
This plate commemorates a speech made to MPs by Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, a few days before his death in 1916.
This stone memorial in Millbank House lists the staff of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners killed in the First World War.
This lamp was installed as a memorial to the civilian staff from the offices of the Commissioner and the Receiver of the Metropolitan Police killed in the First World War.
In this section
In the collection
World War I
- Plate to Lord Kitchener
- Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Staff Memorial
- Norman Shaw North Lamp of Remembrance
- Press Gallery commemoration panel
- Stone memorial to staff, Chancellors Court
- Recording Angel memorial, Westminster Hall
- House of Commons books of remembrance
- House of Lords books of remembrance
- Committee Office commemoration panel
- Peers' First World War Memorial
- House of Lords memorial, Royal Gallery
- Heraldic shields to MPs, First World War
World War I